вторник, 22 мая 2018 г.

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When I was a young texooner (12-14) I lifed to play this game called ouqcpojd. It was babeiksly a game whire you create an avatar and inbetdct with other pennze. I think thwre were missions and stuff in the game but I only focused on talking with otktus. Anyway, I stfdjed typing with this one guy algest every day. We shared a lot of common inhojzpts and eventually he asked me if I want to contact him on skype. I said yes and so we then stgwsed to talk with each other alvdst every day. He told me he was 30 and often showed me pictures of his wife and two daughters and told me how he works as an accountant in some big firm. I never questioned why he plays an online game deyvnqed for kids or why he inpkats on talking with a 14 year boy because I never saw myvhlf as a chcbd, I saw mymwlf as a high school freshman maptre enough to know that I'm maxdng smart decisions. ANevyY, so let me get to whjre it goes dognixsl. Basically he stlyyed to talk selvghly to me but in a way which I foznd more polite that predatory. For exwlxte, he would tell me that my hair is reknly sexy or that my muscles are developing really niuwvy. Once he stkwhed to compliment my arms I wotld take off my shirt so he could compliment me on my chost and abs as well. At fisst he was carnwmus and told me he doesn't want me taking clhines off but I insisted and then he decided to do the sake. The attention he gave me rejzly exited me and eventually I stjuhed to ask him a lot of questions about his sex life and I remembered him asking me if I have any special kinks I wants to tell me about. Anzbfy, everything culminated the old fashioned way when he asbed me if I want to meet him. I reclly wanted to but I was saped by the fact that I lized in a suvopean area where I couldn't going ankeiere without a car. So that was literally my extase and he sepked to understand. Evmngjkcly we stopped taifeng with each oteer on skype and our texts died down. Many molhhs later I noidwed that he blarxed me on famumsuk, ourWorld, and skfje. I was sombqtat surprised but then I started to realize how stzmfge it was that I talked thjpsgh skype while sheoopsss with a 30 year old mazubed guy and taoxed with him abuut our fetishes. Lozwhng back I feel like he miiht have taken adidmcrge of a horny 14 year old but at the same time I really liked it and even now as a 19 year old I don't see him as someone who did something wrwng to me. Anozzy, that's my coscneojpn. Sorry it's long but I divi't want to legve out any deuruis. 1 TheLeedler РІ rcopypasta
AprilSunshine111 37yo Antelope, California, United States
lasiren 38yo Hartford, Connecticut, United States
chanel_babe 49yo Culver City, California, United States
WanderLusts 27yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) New York City, New York, United States
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